Jenkins, H. (2008) Convergence Culture. New York: New York University Press.
Jenkins, a key theorist that is underpinning my research explores within the text the pivotal moment we are currently at within society where old and new media collide, it is explored how media is transitioning from old media formats and distribution like Television to new format and platforms such as YouTube which exploit the concepts and efficiencies of the internet to provide media to audiences in new ways.
Key Quotes
Jenkins, a key theorist that is underpinning my research explores within the text the pivotal moment we are currently at within society where old and new media collide, it is explored how media is transitioning from old media formats and distribution like Television to new format and platforms such as YouTube which exploit the concepts and efficiencies of the internet to provide media to audiences in new ways.
Key Quotes
‘Old rules are open to change and companies’ are being ‘forced to renegotiate their relationship to consumers.’
‘Better “readers” of their own culture and more self-reflective and critical of the culture they occupy’
‘The power of participation’ which ‘comes not from destroying [their] commercial culture but from writing over it, modding it, amending it, expanding it, adding greater diversity of perspective, and then recalculating it, feeding it back into the mainstream media.’
‘Participation is less under the control of media producers and more under the control of media consumers’
‘Can’t decide what kind of relationship they want to have with this new kind of consumer.’
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