Controls Development
Works well. but is the control bar getting lost in the dark background of the video, not enough contrast, especially if viewed on a TV.
Made the controls slightly larger to make them more visible, still not happy with the black, not enough contrast.
Not that the controls are white the control icons stand out more, it works better for all device as it's more clear and will work regards of the colour of the video as the white opacity keeps the controls clear.
Video Info & Comments Development
Content feels cramped. Not enough contrast between navigation and content!
These icons would appear on hover, not sure if the user will know what to do. They might not be big enough or stand out. Also there is no hover in touch devices may need rethinking.
Responsive controls works well and adapt with the layout. Comments feel to large, icons are too big. Greater contrast between comments is also needed.
Content feel much more balanced now, however grey background bellow profile feels like navigation rather than content, unneeded design!
Icons stand out better now with full opacity overlay, work much better, more usable!
No distinction between the different sets of navigation, this needs to be simplified or made more clear.
This contrast better with the video than the previous black opacity overlay.
The final version feels efficient, there is clear contrast between the primary and secondary navigation. Emphasis is placed on content, and the profile, as discussed in my essay greater emphasis needs to be placed on the personalities behind the videos this layout/design certainly does that.
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